Aloha Blog


Our physical therapy includes manual therapy, acupuncture therapy, rehabilitation exercise therapy, and treatment with equipment, including shock wave therapy, focused electromagnetic field pain treatment, radiofrequency deep fascia thermal therapy, interferential wave high-efficiency pain relief electrotherapy, and ultrasound therapy.

Our physiotherapist will thoroughly understand your issues and medical history, then conduct a comprehensive examination and testing. After identifying the cause of the problem, the therapist will make a diagnosis and provide the most suitable treatment plan for you.

Physical Therapy: Diagnosed by a physical therapist, targeted at pain and injuries through different treatment techniques to help you recover to the best condition. For example, manual therapy, acupuncture therapy, exercise therapy, rehabilitation therapy, shockwave therapy, and so on.

Aloha Relief: A series of extensive relaxation treatments including back, shoulder and neck, rounded shoulder fascia adjustment treatment, hip fascia relaxation treatment, and leg lymphatic drainage massage treat


Pregnant women's bodies bear extra weight and pressure, which can cause them to experience back pain, leg swelling, and joint discomfort. Through various treatment methods, the discomfort during pregnancy can be alleviated. Physical therapists will design the most suitable treatment and exercise plan for pregnant women based on their pregnancy and postpartum conditions.

Under normal circumstances, there should be no pain during physical therapy, but there may be mild discomfort in the injured or inflamed areas.

The frequency of treatment will vary according to each individual's actual situation, as everyone's healing speed is different. Acute or chronic pain, the severity and extent of injury or pain will affect the frequency of treatment, but we usually assess the patient's progress within two weeks. Most injuries accumulate over time, so physical therapy sessions are generally longer. In addition, patients still need to cooperate with the physical therapist to do home physical therapy exercises to sp

Monday to Friday 9:00 - 20:00
Saturday 9:00 - 19:00

Reservation methods include:
1. Whatsapp 9315 8877
2. Call 2155 4299 during office hours
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Healing from the Root
Embracing Wholeness
Rejecting the Approach of
"Treating the Head for Headaches,
Treating the Feet for Foot Pain"

Identifying the Root Causes from
Life and Experiences.