Aloha Blog
Aloha Blog
JUL 16, 2024 (Tuesday)

What are the most common pain issues for pregnant mothers?

Kay Chan
Kay Chan
Registered Physiotherapist

  1. Lower back pain:
    Cause: The increase in a pregnant woman's body weight, especially the enlargement of the abdomen, changes the body's center of gravity, increasing the burden on the lower back. In addition, pregnancy hormones cause ligaments to relax, affecting the support structure of the lower back and increasing the risk of lower back pain.

  2. Pelvic pain:
    Cause: Pregnancy hormones such as relaxin and estrogen cause the ligaments in the pelvis to become more relaxed in preparation for the baby's passage during delivery. This relaxation may lead to instability in the pelvic joints (especially the pubic symphysis), causing pain.

  3. Abdominal pain:
    Cause: As the uterus enlarges, the round ligaments supporting the uterus are stretched, which may cause brief sharp or dull pains in the abdomen. This pain is usually more noticeable when changing positions.

  4. Sciatic nerve pain:
    Cause: The enlarging uterus may compress the sciatic nerve, causing pain, sharp pains, or numbness from the lower back to the back of the thigh, calf, or even the foot.

  5. Chest pain:
    Cause: Increased growth of breast tissue during pregnancy in preparation for breastfeeding leads to breast enlargement and stretching of chest muscles, potentially causing chest pain.

  6. Leg pain and cramps:
    Cause: Increased body weight and the increase in bodily fluids and blood volume may increase pressure in the leg veins, leading to pain. Nocturnal cramps are related to changes in electrolyte balance.

  7. Headaches:
    Cause: Changes in hormone levels during pregnancy, alterations in blood circulation, increased stress, and changes in sleep patterns can all lead to headaches.

  8. Wrist and finger pain:
    Cause: Fluid retention during pregnancy may increase pressure within the wrist canal (carpal tunnel), compressing nerves and causing pain or numbness in the wrist and fingers, which are symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome.

ALOHA PREGNANCY CARE ensures that every therapist is professionally trained and experienced in prenatal massage, fully considering the comfort and safety of pregnant women.

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