Aloha Blog
Aloha Blog
JUL 17, 2024 (Wednesday)

What is the cause of back pain in pregnant mothers?

Yama Wong
Yama Wong
Sports and prenatal therapist

Lower back pain is a very common symptom among pregnant women, especially in the later stages of pregnancy. It is estimated that approximately 50% to 70% of pregnant women will experience varying degrees of lower back pain during pregnancy. This percentage may vary due to different studies, populations, and assessment criteria.

The occurrence of lower back pain is influenced by various factors, including weight gain, changes in posture, structural and physiological changes in the pelvis, and relaxation of joints and ligaments due to hormonal changes. Additionally, if a pregnant woman has a history of lower back pain before pregnancy, she may be more likely to experience it during pregnancy.

Lower back pain during pregnancy is a quite common symptom with multiple possible causes:

  1. Hormonal changes: During pregnancy, the body produces a hormone called relaxin, which relaxes the ligaments in the pelvic area to prepare for childbirth. This relaxation may lead to instability in pelvic support structures, resulting in lower back pain.

  2. Shift in center of gravity: As the baby grows, the pregnant woman's center of gravity shifts forward, which may increase pressure on the lower back, causing changes in posture and overstretching of lower back muscles.

  3. Increased weight: Weight gain during pregnancy puts additional pressure on the spine, especially in the lower back.

  4. Stretching and weakening of abdominal muscles: As the uterus expands, the abdominal muscles are stretched, reducing their supportive strength and increasing pressure on the lower back.

  5. Pelvic changes: During pregnancy, the pelvis may expand in preparation for childbirth, which can affect pelvic stability and support for the spine.

  6. Changes in spinal curvature: To balance the increased front weight, a pregnant woman's spine may increase its natural forward curvature (lumbar lordosis), leading to tension in lower back muscles and ligaments.

  7. Sleeping positions: As pregnancy progresses, finding a comfortable sleeping position may become increasingly difficult, and poor sleeping positions may cause or worsen lower back pain.

  8. Stress and emotional factors: Stress and emotional fluctuations can also affect the body's tension, leading to muscle tightness and pain.

ALOHA PREGNANCY CARE ensures that every therapist is professionally trained and experienced in prenatal massage, fully considering the comfort and safety of pregnant women.

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