Aloha Blog
Aloha Blog
JUL 21, 2024 (Sunday)

Pregnant women massage precautions

Vivian Chak
Vivian Chak
Registered Physiotherapist

When massaging pregnant women, there are specific safety considerations and contraindications, including certain acupressure points that, if pressed incorrectly, may cause uterine contractions. Here are some things to avoid when massaging pregnant women:

  1. Specific acupressure points: Traditional Chinese medicine and certain massage traditions suggest avoiding stimulating several acupressure points during pregnancy as they may be related to uterine activity or could induce contractions. These points include:

    • Zusanli (located about four finger-widths below the knee)

    • Sanyinjiao (located on the inner side of the lower leg, about four finger-widths above the highest point of the ankle bone)

    • Dadun (located between the big toe and the second toe, near the toe cleft)

    • Neiguan (located on the inner side of the wrist, about three finger-widths above the wrist crease)

    • Certain areas of the abdomen and lower back should also be avoided for direct massage.

  2. Supine position: As pregnancy progresses, avoid lying flat on the back, especially after the first trimester, to prevent the uterus from compressing the inferior vena cava and affecting blood circulation.

  3. Strong pressure: Avoid excessive pressure during massage, especially on the abdomen, to prevent putting pressure on the fetus.

  4. High-risk pregnancies: Massage may be contraindicated for pregnant women at risk of preterm labor, gestational hypertension, placenta previa, or other medical issues. In such cases, consultation with a doctor is necessary.

  5. Use of essential oils: Some essential oils may be unsafe during pregnancy, so caution should be exercised when using aromatherapy massage.

  6. High temperatures: Avoid excessive heat, such as hot stone massage or sauna, as high temperatures may be detrimental to both the pregnant woman and the fetus.

  7. First trimester massage: During the first three months of pregnancy, due to the higher risk of miscarriage, certain massages may need to be restricted or avoided altogether.

  8. Illness or discomfort: If a pregnant woman experiences any symptoms of illness, such as vomiting, headache, fever, etc., massage should be avoided.

ALOHA PREGNANCY CARE ensures that every therapist is professionally trained and experienced in prenatal massage, taking into full consideration the comfort and safety of pregnant women.

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